Author: Noshin Sultan

Reflections on our NCACE evaluation journey: from a composite baseline position to the midpoint evaluation.

At NCACE we are committed to evaluating our work not just for accountability to our partners, but also to inform continuous improvements of our activity. We are particularly interested in understanding how our approach is making progress in facilitating and supporting capacity for Knowledge Exchange between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and arts and culture organisations … Continued

The Art of Engagement: creating foundations for an international learning community in social practice

Social practice is a growing phenomenon amongst artists globally, who are increasingly drawing on their creativity to address urgent intersectional issues of social and environmental justice. There are nevertheless still relatively few opportunities to formally develop the knowledge and understanding needed for effective practice in this field. The nature of learning for engagement in the … Continued

God’s Eye View: Curating the intersections between artist, audience and place

Exploring the contributions of artist-researcher, curator and practice-based research in stimulating public dialogues through site-specific art installations and how notions of place are vital in shaping these new narratives. In this blog, Amy Carter Gordon and David Cotterrell reflect on a pilot collaboration between Sheffield Hallam University and No Bounds – a critically acclaimed independent … Continued

The challenges of research collaboration

This article was originally published at on 22 February 2023, it has been re-published here with the permission of ArtsProfessional.  Rosy Greenlees and Suzie Leighton have been reflecting on the challenges of knowledge exchange between the arts and higher education sectors. Here they explore the mutual benefits of co-curated collaborations and what support leaders in the field … Continued

Artists in the Academy

Last October during our inaugural Festival of Cultural Knowledge Exchange, one of the events I curated was an intimate, in depth ‘in conversation’ event on the theme of Artists in the Academy. I brought together two artists; Anne Marie  Culhane and Ruth Jarman, from the artist duo Semiconductor, to share their expertise, reflect on their … Continued

Dynamic evaluation in community engagement

We have recently completed work as evaluators on the ACE-funded community engagement project ‘Asset-based Storytelling in Kingston’. The project was led by Kingston Libraries (Fiona Tarn) and professional storyteller Richard Neville, working in partnership with community organisations in the Borough of Kingston: Mind in Kingston, Hestia, Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness, Voices of Hope, Kingston … Continued

Lived experience, co-creation and creative possibilities for health and wellbeing

On 3rd November 2022, NCACE hosted an Evidence Café on Cultural Collaborations for Health and Wellbeing. I was delighted to welcome delegates to listen to presentations and watch artistic outputs from three collaborative projects which focus on improving mental and physical health for young people and professional dancers.   The field of creative health is large … Continued