NCACE Collection

The NCACE Collection is a constantly growing online resource featuring our commissioned research reports, essays and think-pieces, case studies, blogs and mini-toolkits on topics relating to collaborations between Higher Education and the arts and cultural sectors. We often refer to this emerging field as Cultural Knowledge Exchange.

The collection has been developed as a space to house, showcase and create awareness about the themes explored through the publications that we have brought to fruition since we launched NCACE in 2021. Furthermore, it is intended to provide a space for writing, story-telling and deep reflection on the values of collaboration and cultural knowledge exchange. It complements and feeds into our other Evidence and Impact strands including our longstanding Evidence Café series, our Annual Policy Workshops and our Evidence Repository. Much of the work featured in the Collection feeds into or emerges from these aspects of our work and from wider conversations with researchers, arts and culture professionals and practitioners and knowledge exchange specialists. We hope it inspires you and provides you with some fresh insights and helpful resources.


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