NCACE Micro-commission: MembGame UX Design Workshop

Graphic from the workshop

NCACE MembGame UX Design Workshop

The MembGame Research Collaboration are excited to explore how immersive technology, especially Augmented or Virtual Reality (AR/VR) with its ability to zoom in and scale to macro and microscopic levels in a 360 environment, can increase inclusion, accessibility, education and engagement in this area of STEM. We also aim to contribute, with co-creation opportunities, to the generation of pioneering tools that allow for fresh perspectives and innovation in the field of Membrane Separation and the vital role it plays in the planet’s and our wellbeing, from carbon capture to water filtration. We were delighted to be awarded an NCACE Micro-Commission in 2024 to fund a workshop for all our partners, and to explore bringing new collaborators on board.

The MembGame Research Collaboration met for the workshop in June 2024 to participate in the workshop focussed on UX Design and led by Tiffany Teng (Expert UX Designer) and co-facilitated by Paul "Joey" Clark (software and game design guru). Also present were the current MembGame research partners Wumi Sadare, Liana Zoumpouli, Dinesh Mahalingham, Membrane Specialists in the Chemical Engineering Department and part of the SynHiSel group at the University of Bath, and Gareth Campbell, an Artist and Science Communicator and co-resident at The Studio, Bath Spa's Enterprise and Innovations Hub. Since the workshop that the Micro-Commission made possible, both Joey and Gaz have officially joined the research collaboration, and are making really important contributions to the work.

“Chemical separations are critical to almost every aspect of our daily lives.”

Dr. Chloe Turner, SynHiSel Programme Manager, University of Bath

"More than simulating presence in artificial environments, using virtual reality we can be virtually present in real but physically inaccessible worlds to explore and manipulate them from “within”"

Research article in Scientific Reports by Stefano Ferretti, Silvio Bianchi, Giacomo Frangipane & Roberto Di Leonardo

In a very full and inspiring day, we covered topics such as Understanding VR Design and Design Principles, Defining User Goals and User Flows - a chance to learn about User perspectives and ideate, Prototypes / Mapping Learning Journeys and Testing and Iteration.

After a presentation from Tiffany, we were led in guided exercises to generate draft User Flows of experiences that could be included in a game like app to engage and educate about membrane technology and its applied uses, a “MembGame” if you will. We also considered how we could test and co-create design elements through public engagement activities.

A link to the full presentation is embedded in the graphic, as are some of our sketching's and a feedback summary from the workshop participants.  It also includes a summary of some market research we have conducted at previous public engagement events about people's experience of VR and membranes that fed into our design considerations.

In the final stages of the workshop we identified and decided upon the following next steps:

  • Continue to research and share links
  • Continue to ideate and share design ideas
  • Look into business models and set up a business
  • Identify and apply for more funding
  • To meet monthly.

It was a fantastic opportunity to get everyone together, learn about UX and App design and how it can be applied to creating engaging and useful immersive tools for education and research. Please do get in touch with us if you would like to connect with our work and research.