Author: Noshin Sultan

Decolonising the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust’s Collections as an Inside-Outsider: A Perspective on Collaborative Research

This NCACE micro commission built on the findings of my Midlands4Cities funded collaborative doctoral project with BCU and the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust (SBT), which aimed to determine what might make up an SBT ‘international collection’ and to the determine the best pathways to implementing positive change at the heart of Shakespeare’s cultural iconography: the museum … Continued

Cultural Compacts, collaboration, knowledge exchange: the role of Higher Education in fostering place-based cultural and artistic ecologies

Evelyn Wilson: I first came across the notion of Cultural Compacts through a short presentation given by Paul Bristow (Arts Council England), during a Creative Industries Council Regionals and Clusters Meeting a few years back. Twenty Cultural Compacts were first supported by Arts Council England and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport back in … Continued

Coming together creatively to talk about loneliness and communication

University of Brighton researcher Dr Gemma Williams has teamed up with autistic and learning-disabled artists to produce a series of eye-opening animated videos. The artists behind the four short films have been supported to learn animation skills over the past year as part of a novel university-community partnership between University of Brighton and local arts … Continued

Widening access to ancient cultures in museums and schools through partnership working

The Advocating Classics Education (ACE) project seeks to improve access to the study of Classical Civilisation and Ancient History by working in partnership with Liverpool World Museum (LWM) and OCR examination board, and alongside the Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology (MOCA) as a collaborator, to provide subject knowledge enhancement training for teachers, curriculum-linked support materials, … Continued

STEAMhouse’s state-of-the-art centre ready to launch

The STEAMhouse building, Birmingham City University (BCU)’s new centre for innovation, will offer innovative, exciting and collaborative opportunities for growth for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Clayton Shaw, Programme Manager at STEAMhouse, discusses the space and what it will provide to businesses, creatives, students and more.  Preserving our past and building our future The … Continued

The Power of Movement in Co-Creation

Two participants’ perspectives about the Knowledge Exchange Workshop “Learn to Love Being with Less” held on 15th June 2022. This workshop, using a range of arts activities including somatic movement and dance, took place at the Bathway Theatre in Woolwich London to explore the question: “How can we learn to love being with less?” The … Continued

The Climate Crisis as an opportunity for hope, connection and creativity.

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

The NCACE event Culture and Collaborations on Climate Emergency brought together a community of artists, poets, writers, academics, local authority officers, actors, community activists and cultural practitioners to highlight the role of collaborative initiatives with a focus on climate emergency, climate justice, net zero and community action. In the face of a panoply of seemingly … Continued