Author: Noshin Sultan

Artists working with Universities

At the end of January, we were delighted to host our first NCACE Evidence Café of the year and the 14th since we started the series back in 2021 as an online space to encourage people to come together for information-sharing and discussion on topics connected to the field of Cultural Knowledge Exchange. The purpose … Continued

Artists and Academics – The Perfect Marriage.

Mobile - Photo by The Other Richard

I am an artist who is married to an academic. We often joke that whilst it seems like our jobs are worlds apart, my partner who researches addiction, and myself; co-founder of a devising political theatre company, are both fundamentally trying to do the same thing – we are trying to better understand and then … Continued

NCACE Micro-commission: MembGame UX Design Workshop

Graphic from workshop

The MembGame Research Collaboration are excited to explore how immersive technology, especially Augmented or Virtual Reality (AR/VR) with its ability to zoom in and scale to macro and microscopic levels in a 360 environment, can increase inclusion, accessibility, education and engagement in this area of STEM. We also aim to contribute, with co-creation opportunities, to … Continued

Generating societal impact from collaborations between universities and arts and culture organisations (ACOs): evidence from NCACE’s survey with arts and culture professionals in the UK


When we established NCACE in late 2020, a key part of our mission was to create an enhanced understanding of the impacts that arise from universities and the arts working together. One of the first pieces of work we undertook was to develop what we believe was the country’s first substantial survey with the arts … Continued

Stretching embodiment: Excursions in multi-modal extended realities

Workshop in Bath

VR, AR, and immersive site-specific and interactive art experiences engage bodies with lived and virtual spaces in particular ways. They hold the potential to extend embodied, somatic experiences and connect people with multiple and simultaneous ‘spacetimes’ (Manning 2011).  On the 3rd June 2024, five researchers (movement artists and practitioner-researchers) working with AR and VR, digital … Continued

Exploring the Impact of Our Digital Footprint: How Dance, Technology, and Social Media Can Make Us Question Our Online Presence

Two artists and an academic come together to uncover the answers. Katie Dale-Everett (Choreographer), Thomas Buckley (Artist), and Daisy Bow du Toit (PhD student in Craft and Social Media at Kingston School of Art) each bring distinct backgrounds and approaches to art, community engagement, and thought. United by their work with technology (be that emergent … Continued

Community Innovation Practitioners: Fostering a Community of Practice

CIPS at the in-person Midpoint meeting in Leeds, February 2024 - image credit Lauren Baker Mitchell

In a rapidly evolving world, the ability of cross-sector partners to share knowledge and collaborate effectively is essential for driving innovation and change. Communities of practice – groups of people who share a common interest or field of expertise – play a vital role in facilitating co-creation, knowledge exchange and fostering a sense of belonging. … Continued

New money for old rope; repurposing open knowledge from Wikidata

Planemad, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The wonderful world of Wikidata Most people are familiar with Wikipedia, the world’s largest encyclopaedia and source of most of the answers whenever you talk to Alexa or Siri. Higher education initiatives to close knowledge gaps on Wikipedia are also increasingly common, mostly focusing on improving and adding articles. However, underpinning Wikipedia is the database … Continued

Culture, Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange: Technology for Social Good

Culture, Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange: Technology for Social Good

This policy event took place on Thursday, June 20th, 2024. Technology for Social Good is an increasingly important theme within the NCACE framework. This event, introduced by Evelyn Wilson (Co-Director, NCACE), created a platform for crucial conversations and information sharing on social innovations, fostering dialogue about supporting people, place, and the planet. The showcased projects … Continued