NCACE offers an open programme across our key areas of work.

We warmly welcome individuals and institutions to engage and collaborate with us. Join us for leadership workshops, ideas pools, policy discussions, peer to peer networking and information sharing sessions and more. Ongoing activities include: our Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN) and Evidence Cafés, our annual showcasing conference in May and our annual policy event in June. We held our first Festival of Cultural Knowledge Exchange in October 2022 and plan another in 2024.

Upcoming Activities

We are currently developing the next iteration of our programme of activities and will share further details soon.

NCACE Collection Spring Showcase

NCACE Collection Spring Showcase

NCACE Collection Spring Showcase

Recent and past activities

Since the launch of NCACE in 2021 we have established our Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN) and Evidence Café series of events. We have also held annual Policy, Leadership Workshop and Showcasing events plus our festival events. More information about past events can be found below, you can now listen to recordings of NCACE events via our SoundCloud channel.

NCACE Evidence Café 14: Artists and Universities

NCACE Evidence Café 14: Artists and Universities

NCACE Evidence Café 14: Artists and Universities
NCACE / FE:PDN Hybrid Workshop

NCACE / FE:PDN Hybrid Workshop

NCACE / Future Ecologies: Producing Dance Network (FE:PDN) Hybrid Workshop
NCACE Collection Summer Showcase

NCACE Collection Summer Showcase

NCACE Collection Summer Showcase
NCACE Knowledge Impacts Network: Supporting the future of Citizen Research

NCACE Knowledge Impacts Network: Supporting the future of Citizen Research

NCACE Knowledge Impacts Network: Supporting the future of Citizen Research
NCACE Meetup: University Innovation Hubs as Creative Spaces.

NCACE Meetup: University Innovation Hubs as Creative Spaces.

NCACE Meetup: University Innovation Hubs as Creative Spaces.
Culture, Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange: Technology for Social Good

Culture, Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange: Technology for Social Good

Where research and the arts come together to generate social and cultural good using existing and emerging technologies.
NCACE Evidence Café 13: Knowledge Exchange and  Small Specialist Arts

NCACE Evidence Café 13: Knowledge Exchange and Small Specialist Arts

NCACE Evidence Café 13: KEF, the arts and Knowledge Exchange activities in Small Specialists Arts and Creative Institutions
The Power of Collaborative Action IV

The Power of Collaborative Action IV

The Power of Collaborative Action IV: Pioneers, Change-makers and Liminal Spaces
NCACE Knowledge Impacts Network workshop

NCACE Knowledge Impacts Network workshop

NCACE Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN): Co-designing questions for Cultural Knowledge Exchange and Trans-Disciplinary Research
NCACE Meetup: Generative AI

NCACE Meetup: Generative AI

Join us for the next NCACE Meetup: Generative AI
NCACE Evidence Café 12: REF 2021 Impact Case Studies

NCACE Evidence Café 12: REF 2021 Impact Case Studies

NCACE Evidence Café 12: REF 2021 Impact Case Studies
NCACE Evidence Café 11: University & Local Authority Cultural Partnerships

NCACE Evidence Café 11: University & Local Authority Cultural Partnerships

Exploring some of the ways that universities and local authorities are working together on arts & culture related projects and partnerships
NCACE KIN: Developing Your Cultural Knowledge Exchange Practice

NCACE KIN: Developing Your Cultural Knowledge Exchange Practice

NCACE KIN: Developing Your Cultural Knowledge Exchange and Trans-Disciplinary Research Practice
NCACE Meetup: Developing More Equitable Collaborations

NCACE Meetup: Developing More Equitable Collaborations

NCACE Meetup: Developing More Equitable Collaborations
Developing your Leadership Narrative

Developing your Leadership Narrative

Developing your Leadership Narrative: A workshop for female leaders at all stages of their careers
NCACE Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN)

NCACE Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN)

NCACE Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN): Co-creating better ethics processes for Cultural Knowledge Exchange
NCACE Evidence Café 10: Creative Communities

NCACE Evidence Café 10: Creative Communities

NCACE Evidence Café 10: Creative Communities
NCACE Meetup: Narrative, Storytelling and Impact

NCACE Meetup: Narrative, Storytelling and Impact

NCACE Meetup: Narrative, Storytelling and Impact
Collaborations in Creative Health

Collaborations in Creative Health

Shining a light on the contributions Higher Education and the creative sector are making to health and wellbeing in the UK
NCACE Evidence Café 9: NCACE Collection Launch

NCACE Evidence Café 9: NCACE Collection Launch

NCACE Collection Launch: Essays, case studies, and toolkits on creating collaborative ecologies between higher education and the arts.
NCACE Evidence Café 8: Reflections on REF 2021

NCACE Evidence Café 8: Reflections on REF 2021

NCACE Evidence Café 8: Reflections on REF 2021
NCACE Ideas Pool 2

NCACE Ideas Pool 2

NCACE Ideas Pool 2
The Power of Collaborative Action III

The Power of Collaborative Action III

The Power of Collaborative Action III: Leading the Future of Cultural Knowledge Exchange
Are Ethics Processes for Cultural Knowledge Exchange Fit for Purpose?

Are Ethics Processes for Cultural Knowledge Exchange Fit for Purpose?

Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN): Are Ethics Processes for Cultural Knowledge Exchange Fit for Purpose?
NCACE Evidence Café: Cultural Collaborations for Health and Wellbeing

NCACE Evidence Café: Cultural Collaborations for Health and Wellbeing

NCACE Evidence Café: Cultural Collaborations for Health and Wellbeing
Ideas Lab: Defining & Refining Non-Financial Impact in Cultural Partnership

Ideas Lab: Defining & Refining Non-Financial Impact in Cultural Partnership

Ideas Lab: Defining & Refining Non-Financial Impact in Cultural Partnership Projects
What is civic impact anyway?

What is civic impact anyway?

What is civic impact anyway?
“Why Does Place Matter? Foregrounding Felt Experiences”

“Why Does Place Matter? Foregrounding Felt Experiences”

“Why Does Place Matter? Foregrounding Felt Experiences”
Social and Cultural Knowledge Exchange in the HE-BCI Review

Social and Cultural Knowledge Exchange in the HE-BCI Review

Social and Cultural Knowledge Exchange in the HE-BCI Review
Artists in the academy

Artists in the academy

Artists in the academy
How can the KE Concordat Support Excellent Cultural Knowledge Exchange?

How can the KE Concordat Support Excellent Cultural Knowledge Exchange?

How can the KE Concordat Support Excellent Cultural Knowledge Exchange?
Tools for Leading Cross-Sector Collaborations

Tools for Leading Cross-Sector Collaborations

Tools for Cross-Sector Collaboration
Exploring the value of collaborating with theatres

Exploring the value of collaborating with theatres

Exploring the value of collaborating with theatres
Changing Culture: Knowledge Exchange, Policy and Practice

Changing Culture: Knowledge Exchange, Policy and Practice

Changing Culture: Knowledge Exchange, Policy and Practice
Decolonising Shakespeare

Decolonising Shakespeare

How can academia and the cultural sector work together to decolonise our heritage?
Nurturing Collaborations: Understanding a City’s Creative & Culture Ecology

Nurturing Collaborations: Understanding a City’s Creative & Culture Ecology

Nurturing Collaborations: Understanding a City’s Creative & Culture Ecology
Knowledge Sharing through Documentary Co-Creation

Knowledge Sharing through Documentary Co-Creation

Knowledge Sharing through Documentary Co-Creation: 'My Name is...' screening and Q&A
Cultural Compacts, collaboration, knowledge exchange

Cultural Compacts, collaboration, knowledge exchange

Cultural Compacts, collaboration, knowledge exchange: the role of Higher Education in fostering place-based cultural and artistic ecologies
NCACE Festival of Cultural Knowledge Exchange 10 – 14 October 2022

NCACE Festival of Cultural Knowledge Exchange 10 – 14 October 2022

NCACE Festival of Cultural Knowledge Exchange 10 – 14 October 2022
Patients as Artists: Innovating Dementia Care

Patients as Artists: Innovating Dementia Care

Patients as Artists – Improving Patient Wellbeing Using Digital Applied Theatre Experiences a Pandemic
Conversations for Collaboration

Conversations for Collaboration

Knowledge Impacts Network: Conversations for Collaboration
NCACE Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN): Hack KE Metrics

NCACE Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN): Hack KE Metrics

NCACE Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN): Hack KE Metrics
Culture and Collaborations on Climate Emergency

Culture and Collaborations on Climate Emergency

Culture and Collaborations on Climate Emergency
NCACE / Clore Leadership Workshop:  Leading Through Uncertainty

NCACE / Clore Leadership Workshop: Leading Through Uncertainty

NCACE / Clore Leadership Workshop: Leading Through Uncertainty
Evidence Café 6: Narrating Cultural Knowledge Exchange

Evidence Café 6: Narrating Cultural Knowledge Exchange

Evidence Café 6 - Narrating Cultural Knowledge Exchange: Stories and perspectives from Knowledge Exchange Professionals.
NCACE What We Are Doing And How To Get Involved

NCACE What We Are Doing And How To Get Involved

NCACE What We Are Doing And How To Get Involved: arts and cultural sector perspectives on knowledge exchange.
Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN): Telling the Story of Knowledge Exchange

Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN): Telling the Story of Knowledge Exchange

Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN): Telling the Story of Knowledge Exchange
The Power of Collaborative Action: People, Place and Planet

The Power of Collaborative Action: People, Place and Planet

NCACE is delighted to present The Power of Collaborative Action: People, Place and Planet
Evidence Café 5: Cultural Knowledge Exchange and the Climate Emergency

Evidence Café 5: Cultural Knowledge Exchange and the Climate Emergency

Evidence Café 5: Cultural Knowledge Exchange and the Climate Emergency
NCACE: What we’re doing and how to get involved

NCACE: What we’re doing and how to get involved

NCACE: What we’re doing and how to get involved
NCACE Evidence Café 4: Evidence from KEF Narratives

NCACE Evidence Café 4: Evidence from KEF Narratives

Evidence from KEF Narratives: NCACE Primary Research on HEIs’ engagement with the arts and culture sector
Knowledge Impacts Network: Launch of KIN Support Sets

Knowledge Impacts Network: Launch of KIN Support Sets

Knowledge Impacts Network: Launch of KIN Support Sets
NCACE Ideas Pool 1

NCACE Ideas Pool 1

NCACE Ideas Pool 1: Co-Creating a New and Different Future for Arts / Higher Education Collaboration
What if : We Really Understood Knowledge Exchange?

What if : We Really Understood Knowledge Exchange?

A deep dive into the current realities and future potentials of collaboration between the arts and cultural sector and universities
“What If..?” Conversations 2021

“What If..?” Conversations 2021

Birmingham City University & STEAMhouse invites you to join our “What If..?” Conversations 2021
NCACE Evidence Café 3

NCACE Evidence Café 3

NCACE Evidence Café 3: Announcing new NCACE research and Evidence Repository
Knowledge Impacts Network: Co-Designing KIN

Knowledge Impacts Network: Co-Designing KIN

An interactive Co-Design Session to help shape and inform the future of the Knowledge Impacts Network
NCACE Evidence Café 2

NCACE Evidence Café 2

NCACE Evidence Café 2
NCACE: What we’re doing and how to get involved

NCACE: What we’re doing and how to get involved

NCACE: What we’re doing and how to get involved
Collaborations in Place-making

Collaborations in Place-making

NCACE Policy Workshop - Collaborations in Placemaking: Shining a Light on the Contribution of Higher Education and Cultural Partnerships
NCACE: What we’re doing and how to get involved

NCACE: What we’re doing and how to get involved

NCACE: What we’re doing and how to get involved
NCACE: What we’re doing and how to get involved

NCACE: What we’re doing and how to get involved

NCACE: What we’re doing and how to get involved
NCACE Leadership Workshop in collaboration with Clore Leadership Programme

NCACE Leadership Workshop in collaboration with Clore Leadership Programme

A leadership workshop for all those working in knowledge exchange with the arts and cultural sector.
NCACE Evidence Café Launch

NCACE Evidence Café Launch

NCACE Evidence Café Launch
Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN) Launch

Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN) Launch

Knowledge Impact Network (KIN) Launch
Knowledge Conversations:  The Power of  Collaborative Action

Knowledge Conversations: The Power of Collaborative Action

Opening Event: National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange (NCACE)