NCACE offers an open programme across our key areas of work.
We warmly welcome individuals and institutions to engage and collaborate with us. Join us for leadership workshops, ideas pools, policy discussions, peer to peer networking and information sharing sessions and more. Ongoing activities include: our Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN) and Evidence Cafés, our annual showcasing conference in May and our annual policy event in June. We held our first Festival of Cultural Knowledge Exchange in October 2022 and plan another in 2024.
Upcoming Activities
We are currently developing the next iteration of our programme of activities and will share further details soon.
Recent and past activities
Since the launch of NCACE in 2021 we have established our Knowledge Impacts Network (KIN) and Evidence Café series of events. We have also held annual Policy, Leadership Workshop and Showcasing events plus our festival events. More information about past events can be found below, you can now listen to recordings of NCACE events via our SoundCloud channel.