Co-Investigator, Evidence and Impacts
Reader in Innovation Policy and Management at Birkbeck, University of London.
Dr Federica Rossi is Reader in Innovation Policy and Management at Birkbeck, University of London. Her research interests are in the fields of science and technology policy, economics and management of intellectual property rights, innovation activities of firms and networks of firms, economics and governance of higher education.

She has contributed to numerous research projects sponsored by, among others, OECD, UK Intellectual Property Office, World Intellectual Property Organization, British Academy/Leverhulme, Society for Research in Higher Education, British Academy of Management.
She has authored numerous articles in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals including Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Studies in Higher Education, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Business Research. She has also published two books and contributed to numerous edited volumes.